Welcome to KushNivas, my name is Crysti and since I am truly the beginning of KushNivas, I will be your hostess (gosh, this sounds like a restaurant).
First of all, I would like to tell you about KushNivas (pronounced koosh-nee-va). It means a happy house, and I'm the reason it was chosen. According to mom and dad, I'm the happiest dog alive. I wake up wagging my tail and go to bed the same way. What they don't realize is that I figured out real early if you are cute and happy, nobody can resist you and they always give you special things like hugs and treats and lots of attention. Mom and Dad decided they want all their babes to be like me: happy.
Their goal was to produce happy healthy babes, giving them the very best starts in life, free of hereditary problems. I'll tell you more of that later... right now it is about me.
Well, it was supposed to be about me, but mom said I have to do a little more explaining before I talk about me. So okay... I will talk about KushNivas...
Mom and Dad wanted a unique kennel name, but it had to have meaning.
FAI and I were born at Khalsa Permanent Reg'd Kennels. Khalsa is a holy word which goes back 300 years, in the East Indian language. So Mom asked a friend for kennel name suggestions which might be appropriate. The first suggestion was Kush Nivas (two words) and the translation is: "a happy house". Mom and Dad loved it as it depicts what they want for us. With full agreement from FAI and I, we became KushNivas.

Our philosophy is that Poodles should work and be conformationally and temperamentally sound. Our dogs must carry titles on both ends of their names and have passed health testing.
At KushNivas we breed, show, groom and do performance i.e. Obedience, Rally-O, Tracking, Field Work (WC) and now, Agility. But our primary focus is happy, healthy dogs.

Mom and Dad believe in genetic testing to produce the healthiest of puppies. Mom spends hours on the computer researching different bloodlines. She has been in contact with many wonderful people around the world while doing this research.
Mom and Dad's human family includes 3 great kids, (Tom, Cathy and Sean), wonderful daughters-in-law, a great son-in-law, and an ever-growing number of beautiful grandchildren.
Their dog life started 40 years ago with a German Shepherd called 'Arisco de Ovejero'. He was a wedding present from my Dad to my Mom (....awwwww!). Both Mom and Dad worked at the RCMP; Mom in Administration, and Dad as an RCMP Member.
After 30 years of service, of which 5 years were spent as a dog handler, Dad decided it was time for retirement. He is now a Canadian Kennel Club(CKC) Canine Good Neighbor (CGN) Examiner and a CKC Rally Obedience (Rally-O) Judge.
Mom is a full-time MOM. Retirement is wonderful, more time for the ones who mean the most at KushNivas... us kids...
And now back to me.
Oh yeah, my Mom and Dad are Rod and Jane Beaudry, but you can call them Mom and Dad like I do... Now back to ME...