...FAI was tiny (only 21") and smart (but I won't admit I said that---by the way, this is me, Crysti, and I am going to tell you all about our new addition...'FAI'...). She was so cute...I loved her to bits, (again I will deny saying that).

We were so different, it was like night and day. I wanted to know and see all. She was more laid back and often gave the impression that she didn't care, totally bored. But, that was a lie. She never missed a thing. She was also very sneaky. She knew where all the good stuff was hidden and never missed a thing. When mom offered us cookies, she would take a whole mouthful and then walk away like she didn't get anything and hide them for later. But we had some great times, she and I.


FAI, also known as BPIS Can/Int Ch Khalsa's Fire 'N Ice CD TD CGN, was my best friend. She had a little different outlook on life than I, but we were best friends.

It was this first litter bearing the name of KushNivas from which Teka was born. And let me tell you... she was a pain in the #$@#!... All she wanted to do was play, and run, and play some more. If I tried to ignore her, she poked me. She just never gave up. She just didn't realize that as you grow up, you mature and you don't have time to play all day. Besides, it just isn't dignified. There is a time and place for everything and Teka had to learn, the best time to play is late at night on mom and dad's bed.

On June 12,  2007, we lost our beloved FAI, she was the foundation of KushNivas Standard Poodles.

FAI will never be forgotten, we planted a beautiful little garden in our yard in her memory. It’s located in an area where she would lie in the shade to watch our Mom work in the garden.

She is forever in our hearts. She has left a legacy of wonderful children and grandchildren (in 2019, four generations) to carry on her love of life and undying spirit.