Over the past few years, KushNivas has produced some wonderful dogs, not only for the Conformation Ring, but for performance fields and the very special area of family companions.

However, we have also produced a number of Extra Special Kids. These kids are the Cornerstones of what we believe to be a most important area of our family. The following kids are not only wonderful companions, but they also give to others selflessly.

KushNivas Good Karma aka 'Marco'
Marco, at 10 months of age, became a Trainee Literacy Assistance Dog who worked with children in a program called "Paws for Literacy".

When he isn't reading, he is busy training hard with his mom at Rally-Obedience.

Marco and Mom, we are so proud of both of you!

The "Paws for Literacy" program is administered by Spirit Ridge K9 Training & Rescue.  It is a volunteer, not-for-profit, community-based children's programme promoting literacy and reading amongst children in Wellington County, Ontario, Canada.

For more information on the "Paws for Literacy" program, please log on to: www.spiritridge.net

KushNivas' Cornerstone CGN aka 'Charlie'

Charlie is owned by one of the most selfless individuals we have ever had the pleasure to be connected with.

The following is her story and that of 'Charlie' and his parner 'Jazz':

"I am just a certified special education teacher, who prefers to tutor privately. 95% of my students have challenges; Asperger's Syndrome, Down's Syndrome, Fetal Alcohol Syndrome, as well as Attention Deficit/hyperactivity disorder,generalized anxiety disorder, obsessive compulsive disorder or a combination of these challenges.

That's where Charlie and Jazz come in...they are there to sympathize and love without questions or boundaries. Charlie and Jazz are always up for a hug or to listen. In some cases the parents have asked if they can bring their children over to the farm for extra time with the critters.

We go for hikes with the dogs, and the students help groom and feed the miniature horses. One little guy is extremly allergic to horses but he comes every week with special gloves so he can feed the mini horses a few carrots and pat them without having any allergic reactions.

I am always amazed at the healing powers that animals inherently possess. Jazz and Charlie are the foundation of my teaching. Charlie's name "KushNivas Cornerstone" is so appropriate because he supports my students when they need that special time with a nonjudgemental, warm, fuzzy four legged friend.

Without my two black boys, I would just be another tutor.

I'd be proud to have the dogs recognized through their role with my students...

...signed by Charlie's mom.


MBPIS KushNivas Alias Deja Vu CD PATS aka  'Deja'
(Pacific Animal Therapy Society):

Deja went to live with his Mom when he was eight months old.

Although obedience was to be his main focus (along with being a 24/7 companion and best friend), that soon changed.

Due to his outstanding personality, he took on the role of a Therapy dog, and we couldn't be happier.

He is also strutting his stuff in the Obedience ring!


Ch Alias Let's Just Do It CGN CDX ITD  aka 'Panache'
Panache was destined to be an Obedience girl, however in her short life (she is only two) she has demonstrated an uncanny ability to excel in many fields, including conformation, carting, obedience, and especially in providing love and support to others.

Not only is she a valued member of Pet Therapy Society of Northern Alberta, she is also certified as an International Therapy Dog.  She is a gentle soul with a heart the size of a mountain.

Panache (left), with sire Justin (13 years) and her half-sister Lacee (right)
become Certified International Therapy Dogs.

October 2011

Justin is the sire of Panache and Lacee, and also of Deja, and grand-sire to Charlie and Marco.

Justin is also known world wide as:

MBISS MBIS Am/Can Ch Alias Just Give Me That Wink CGN

(Sept 25, 1998-Dec 22, 2014)