CHIC#: 63825
OFA Hips: Good
OFA Elbows: Norma
OFA Heart: Normal
OFA Eyes: Normal
CERF: 2009, 2012
Degenerative Myelopathy: Clear
Sebacious Adenitis: Normal
Neonatal Encephalopathy (w/seizures): Normal
Owner: Jane Beaudry
Breeder: Jane Beaudry

In the beginning...
Hi folks, It's me Jessie.
As you can see I have learned the important things in life. "Always thank the Judge!" This was my first show, a Sanction Match, and without any coaxing, I thanked the esteemed Judge Karen Chant for my Best In Match Ribbon, it was is so pretty, we'll save it for ever.
I learned early on that a kiss can buy you anything. Well almost, it doesn't always get me out of trouble with mom (but it does with dad).

Moving on to January 2009, and I’m getting ready to celebrate my first birthday, a little early with my 1st visit to Portland OR. "I was just a babe then... 11 months old...and it was my 1st US show.... Oh gee I was nervous.... All these big girls.... and I was the only puppy in my class (Open).... Oh my... the judge must like me cause he just gave me a ribbon." Well indeed I was correct... the judge did like me, sort of... I took Reserve to a 5 Point Major at the Rose City Poodle Specialty, and from the Open Class at that! Not bad for a babe.
Later that weekend I was to get my first US Major and we celebrated. No show photos were taken, but we did a nice candid in the ring with Teri.

A couple of months later, Teri and I went to Phoenix AZ.
It was more of a shopping trip, but I did get to play in the ring. Unfortunately, there were hardly any other kids around to play with. I did well, taking Best of Winners most days, and even Best Opposite Sex over a Special, but alas, the points were limited
Ok folks, fast forward to 2011 and I'm Back!
I just turned 3 years old and to celebrate my birthday I have finally returned to the US in the show ring. I returned to Portland OR with my second mom, Teri Taplin. I want to thank Judges Desmond Murphy and Donald Sturz for making my birthday so special. I got two Majors!!! No I didn't kiss them, Teri said it wasn't professional, so I obeyed, being the good little girl that I am...but one of these days lookout! I'll find the right Judge that won't kiss and tell!!!
Well everybody, it's October 2011 and here I am obtaining another two points with handler Jodi Paquette. Thank you Judge Mr. Robert Ennis for this win. Only two more points and I'm an American Champion!!!
If I'm not careful, I'm going to lose my nickname of "Messy Jessie"!

I’m now:
Am/Can Ch KUSHNIVAS Don't Just Wink
Thank you Judge Ronald Menaker for this honour, Best of Winners and Best Opposite Sex, for a 4 point Major at the Chicago International Kennel Club. Of course, very special thanks also goes to Mr. William Alexander and his outstanding team for presenting me at my very best...
I'm back, and in January 2021 I celebrated my 13th birthday. There are just three of us kids in the house now, daughter Gaby has gone to live with friends down the road. She has her own Mom and Dad now, we have no longer the need to share Mom with her. I, now rule our home, with my baby brother 10 yr old Justice, and he's always at my side. Mom calls us "Mork and Mindy" we're inseperable. ...and then of course there's my Granddaughter, 4 yr old Reba. She thinks she's the boss, but we know different. That being said, she provides us with the very best of gifts... She has babies! And we get to entertain them sometimes. Nothing is better than playing with 7-week old babies.. they're just learning what life is about.. they snuggle and run, and roll just like little sausages.

Oops, have to say goodbye for now, Mom is calling us to go outside, and I have to be first, Justice second and Reba LAST! Once in the yard it's every man for himself, but Justice is still by my side... so great to have such a gallant baby brother!!! BTW off to the right, that's Justice 10 yrs, Reba 4 yrs, and me almost 12 yrs, still looking as good as ever!