(Justice the babe) Hi, I'm Justice. I'm Jessie's little brother, but please don't hold that against me. She knows how to get into mischief, but I'm her perfect little brother. I love to play, but usually you will find me following either my mom or dad around the house.
Mom and I go to classes. She thinks she is teaching me how to stand properly, but I really know how to do it. It just makes her happy to think that I am so smart to learn what she is teaching me. As long as she is happy, then life is good and so are the treats (hee hee see how smart I am!).

(Justice the kid): Well foks, here I am! I'm just about a year old and I'm a Canadian Champion and almost an American Champion. I need one more point and then I've made it.
However, now I must go home and wear big boys' clothes. That's me at 13 months. Lacy Williams was so much fun to be with, but I love my mom, cause she spoils me... but she also makes me wear a bare bottom grrrr or maybe I should say brrrr up here in Canada!
Oh well hopefully the next time we chat, I will be an American/Canadian Champion and will be well into my obedience training. I love my dumb bell.
..... Justice

(Justice The Teeny Bopper): I'm back!!! only this time, I'm "Am/Can Ch KushNivas Alias Just A Strutin". With my good friend William Alexander, we did it!
We went to Cleveland and I took Winners and then Best Opposite over two lovely Specials... oops sorry guys, over two magnificent adult Specials. I refer to them as adults, cause I'm only 16 months old and in my mom's eyes, still a babe... awww makes me blush!
So now I'm home and am severely mohawked until she can decide what to do with me. Personally I want to start doing obedience, I can't wait to play with the dumbbell. I chase it and bring it back. Soon I'll be able to go over the jump as well as chase it!
I guess you and I will have to wait and see until mom makes a decision, cause she likes to think she's the boss. But we all know differently. Don't we?

This is me and my best friend and mom, Teka.
I love her and we used to share our bed with our other mom and dad...
But they can be bed hogs!!!
Well I'm growing up, and now I do Rally O and Obedience..... Mom says I might do some other stuff as well, but for now it's just play, but I thought you should see what I look like now that I'm all grown up!!
First you'll notice that I'm not as black as everybody else.
But that's ok, cause My Mom loves me. She says I'm special. And I am!!