CHIC#: 122723

OFA Hips: Fair

OFA Elbows: Normal

OFA Heart: Normal

OFA Eyes (CERF): Normal

Degenerative Myelopathy: Clear

Sebaceous Adenitis: Normal

Von Willebrands: Normal


Owner: Jane Beaudry

Breeder: Jane Beaudry

In my short life, I have gone from that pudgy little puppy called “Purp” to "Reba", aka Ch KushNivas Jus Smoke N Mirrors...

Mom wanted you to see this photo of me as I look today; What colour you ask????   Why, I’m a blue!  Yup, I was born very dark and I’m gradually turning lighter and lighter (Just like my Daddy)…. I think I look pretty good!

The last couple of years I’ve worked hard. Train, train, train!  That is just about all my mom thinks about.  Well, ok, we also play lots and I get to bug the daylights out of Justice and Jessie..  but that’s what life is all about…
This year I did something special.  I became a MOM.  I had three of the most beautiful little girls that you could ever imagine.    Wow, that gave me a new appreciation for my mom and for Gramma Jessie.  Anyway, my daughters were the very best..  I could play with them all day, they were so much fun.  We would have great wrestling matches…  of course, I always lost…  and then one day one of them left, and then another and then the last one.  I was very sad and kept thinking they would come home, but they didn’t.  I have to admit, I really liked their new families, and I’m sure my babes are going to love their new homes.  Mom keeps telling me there will be more babes for me to play with and spoil.  So I guess it is wait and see.  She also took a ton of photos to show everybody…   but then she lost them in cyberspace.
Currently, Mom is waiting for me to decide when it is time to be a Mom again….   I’m thinking about it….
Fast forward...  Well I'm done thinking about it...  The beginning of August mom and I took a road trip, I love our road trips, but this one was especially great, I met a boy called Freedom, from Croatia!  Wow, was he ever handsome!  Unfortunately, I only got to visit him for a few days, then mom said "time to head home".  So, here I am home again and now I'm losing my lovely waist and putting on the pounds....  and I've got something else..  I've got something Mom calls morning sickness.  I'm not sure but I must have caught it from that darn boy, Freedom!   I sure hope this morning sickness goes away soon....
Gotta run, but keep checking back for updates...