Not only are these kids great companions, but also participants in a variety of sports. Please celebrate with us, their many triumphs, and remember although there are many success stories, there are also disappointments which we don't always hear about. Kudos to the families for the time spent with their kids, win, lose or draw!
Keisha Rally Champion 2019
Mya High In Trial, 2019
Obi earns his MOTC 2018
Pandora and Andy earn a MOTCH 2018
Charlie Girl places 2nd in BC/Yukon Regional Agility Championship 2018
Lucy places 4th at National Poodle Club of America National Speciality and is now a Champion 2018
Ashley: Grand Champion 2015
Charlie Girl earns CD at 7years old. 2014
Keisha herding sheep 2014
Piper earns OTCH 2014
Piper agility run 2014
Deja earns CD 2012
Marco: Rally Novice 2013
Gaby: Best of Winners 2013
Jessie: Specialty Portland OR 2011
Justice: American Champion 2011
Panache: Best Puppy in Group 2010
Ari: High in Trial 2010
Ashton: Best in Show 2008
Deja: Best Puppy in Show 2008
Jewel: New Champion 2008
Ari: 1st Major
Harry: CD 2008
Cookie - Best Puppy In Show, Mr. Neil Graves - Cookie Best Puppy in Show 2007
Chrysti earns Am CD 2005
Charlie Boy: CGN 2005
Chrysti: Best Puppy in Group 2005
FAI: Best Puppy in Show
FAI and Jr Handler 2005